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    Pete Neubig: [00:00:11] Welcome back, everybody. And as promised, I have Victor Cianci with the vice president of sales with Citizen Home Solutions. So, Vic, thanks so much for joining us today.

    Victor Cianci: [00:00:23] Pete. I appreciate you having us.

    Pete Neubig: [00:00:25] All right. Love it. Got another. Got another Goomba to to talk to finally. Uh, actually most people don't know this, but, uh, because my last name is German, but I'm really more Italian than I am than I am German. So I'm a, I'm a as I say, I'm a, I'm a guinea from the Bronx is exactly what I, what I am. So it's good to have good to have my little my little goomba.

    Victor Cianci: [00:00:46] I have the I have the last name and most of my descendants are Hungarian, actually. So I'm.

    Pete Neubig: [00:00:52] You're the other way.

    Victor Cianci: [00:00:53] But I'm the other way.

    Pete Neubig: [00:00:54] You're the other way. All right, so let's talk Citizen Home Solutions. Most people that are listening to this have probably heard about CHS or Citizen Home Solutions, but there are a bunch that haven't. Right. We're getting new, uh, new people at NARPM and new people that download this almost, almost, uh, monthly or every other week. So tell us, what exactly is Citizen Home Solutions and what's the value that CHS brings for the property managers?

    Victor Cianci: [00:01:22] Yeah, absolutely. So we're essentially we exist in the space to help the residents at the point of the move in with establishing their major utilities. So water, electric, gas amongst other things that we provide. But we really exist as this utility concierge piece in the, the, the cog, if you will, during the move in process. And on our end, it's really just about delivering value to the resident, helping them in a very stressful point in which is the moving process at any level. And so we're we're really there to support them with making sure utilities are set up so that they're in compliance with their lease and everything is good between them and their property manager partner at the point of that movement. So in addition to that, we also provide some some ancillary services. So we assist with internet. We assist with security systems in some cases pest control moving services. There's a number of things that we've kind of aggregated over the years to kind of put together and offer a one stop shop as it relates to helping them at at that again, at the move in the the point of the move in. So the value to the resident is we really take all of that in kind of in our hands and we sit on hold with the utility providers. We make sure they're informed on what's available within their their specific market, really at their specific property. So we do a lot of that research which saves the resident time. And that's a big win on their end.

    Pete Neubig: [00:02:42] And what's the cost to the resident for that service?

    Victor Cianci: [00:02:45] Completely free. So our service is free to the resident. It's free to the property manager partner as well. And we have some programs that exist where we're actually able to share portions of the revenue generated from those ancillary services that I mentioned back to our partners. So back to the property manager essentially for bringing that resident referral to us. And that's really how we monetize our business.

    Pete Neubig: [00:03:06] So um, basically you offer a free service, PM company can make money on this free service through this this through this commission split, this revenue share. And the resident calls 1 person CHS or they get a call from CHS and they can literally handle everything that they need to handle for their move in. Um, as far as like electric, gas, water, utilities, internet security, all of that stuff.

    Victor Cianci: [00:03:37] All that stuff is handled on our end. We so we work with the property manager. We're we're our business is B to B to C in in the sense that we're looking to bring on new property management partners who then in turn bring the resident referrals to our world. The residents at the end of the day, are those the company that is are the the party that's benefiting from our company's services. So that's why I say we're B to B to C in nature. But on our end that that's what we do. We're going and looking for property management partners so that we can assist their residents really take one, one piece off of their plate through this process. Right? Property managers often wear a number of hats. You know this firsthand. And so in doing that, we're able to kind of assist on that front and and take one thing off of their plate while servicing the end user, which is the resident.

    Pete Neubig: [00:04:24] Yeah. So this offer is a great value to the property management firm. Uh, I know when I own my own property management firm, um, we had we have deregulation of, of water here in Houston. Right. So everything's a mud district, right? So the city of Houston water is maybe 50% of the area, and then the other 50% is literally all these little muds and puddles. Um, stuff like that. And so we used to get calls all the time from new residents moving in, especially ones from out of state, asking about the water district, asking about utilities, asking about internet, Asking about all these things. And what we found was we were able just to have CHS handle all those phone calls. So for us, we were we reduced a lot of calls and CHS had all the answers. So when they called that one, that one company CHS, they got a much better experience than when they called us and asking us about the water district.

    Victor Cianci: [00:05:20] Yeah, that so that's that's the beauty of the service too, right? We're one we're used to working in all of these, these nuanced places where their differentiated differentiation amongst the utilities that some of these areas provide, right. So we're actually going and doing the research, understanding what's available for the residents so that when we get on that call with them, there isn't this like guesswork. There's no wait time on their end. We've already done our homework to understand what might be available for them in place, and we offer, if there are multiple providers and they have optionality, we offer optionality. So they're really able to kind of customize their experience through that without doing the legwork of going and researching all of these different providers. We, on average, we are probably on the phone with them for 20 to 30 minutes going through this whole process. It's realistically 3 to 4 hours worth of legwork if you factor in looking for, looking up some of the utilities, then sitting on wait, we're we're sitting on wait. Right. The residents not having to be the 87th caller with the electric company as they kind of try to navigate all of that. So that is definitely their time and then understanding of what's available. Um, we're kind of taking on that burden and it's a huge value add to them.

    Pete Neubig: [00:06:30] Yeah. It's something that you could actually, um, market to potential residents and maybe get the house at leased a little, a little bit quicker because you offer this, this free service and of course, lots of less calls. And now your team in the property management company are not on hold either, talking about, you know, the actually reaching out and or having to do searches on the internet to find out what the which water company is supporting that address. So how do we implement this? Is this a. Is this a hard lift? I mean, because most, most PM firms are busy, especially now we're we're recording this in July and it's the summertime, so everybody's super busy. Um, what how what's the best way to implement, you know CHS.

    Victor Cianci: [00:07:12] Yeah. So it really is a light lift. We, we try to make, I guess, start to finish the utility process. Really hands off for the property manager first and foremost. So we're trying to take on all of those things that I described a second ago and make it so that it's out of sight, out of mind. And they're confident that utilities are being set up within compliance of the lease, and the residents are happy. So on that end, it seems like there's a lot of moving parts. It really is simple to get set up. We're working with the property manager. We're used to kind of navigating all of these different PMS platforms, property management softwares that exist out there. We have direct integrations with a number of them, but it's as simple as getting on the call, assuming the property manager is managers ready to move forward with the program. We're on on a 20 to 30 minute implementation call, onboarding call where we're walking through, making sure we're getting their automated reports set up in a manner that we can receive it and assist their residents. And I'll touch on that briefly, which that that report really consists of a few key elements. It's the residents contact information. It's the property address, city, state, zip, obviously. So we understand where we're setting up utilities. And that's really it. We're getting that list on on in some in some cases with the automation instantaneous when that status changes to move in within the PMS platform, we're receiving that information. We do have some other other systems that are are lagged a little bit. We'll get that the next morning. But essentially we're taking that list and we're contacting the residents ahead of those move in dates to make sure we get them assisted set up. And when the keys are turned over, the utilities are also in the residence name. So.

    Pete Neubig: [00:08:51] So once I put the move in date in my PM Software. Typically that means that they went from, um, they went from pending to approved. And once they're once they're approved, then you guys get basically a report sent out or an email or some kind of notification sent out. So as the PM software, as the PM, I don't have to do anything. I don't even have to make sure that I have like a manual task that I do, because based on my software, it's going to happen automatically once we set it up one time.

    Victor Cianci: [00:09:21] Exactly. And that is really that out of sight, out of mind piece, right? You're just as the PM, you're adjusting that status because that's what you would do in your system anyway. Just so happens that triggers the the notification to us to assist and step in. So it really is it's a simple process to set up in just about every PMS platform that we've we've worked within.

    Pete Neubig: [00:09:42] That's nice because, you know, I was one of I was an early adopter on CHS, and we actually had to log in to the CHS site and enter in the name and all that good stuff, which we were very process driven back then, so it wasn't that difficult. It wasn't that much of a it wasn't that much of a heavy lift for us. But this is much nicer because I'm just working within the confines of my process inside my software. And now CHS gets that notification. And then do you contact the, the um, the resident then is that is that how you guys do it? You reach out to them directly?

    Victor Cianci: [00:10:15] It is. So we will we we typically have a cadence where we'll reach out to the resident three different times over a five day period. Um, the intention there is typically we'll, we'll call three times email three times, text three times in an attempt to reach out to the resident and get them set up again based on their move in date. There are scenarios in which the that cadence doesn't follow exactly right. So first the resident answers on the first call. We're not going to bug them after that initial call, right. The goal is to get that appointment set up with them and assist with with the utilities that that they need to set up. The second point, touch point where that might fall out is should the move in date be two days out, for example. We're not going to call them beyond the move in date once the move in date has passed. We're assuming they've already taken care of utilities on their end. Should the resident reach out to us and say, hey, I still need help, we're happy to assist at that point, but we'll stop communication. The goal isn't to bug the residents, it's to assist them at the point of the move in. And once that.

    Pete Neubig: [00:11:14] And are you when you communicate, are you saying, I'm calling on behalf of ABC Management Company? Or do you say we're with Citizen Home Solutions? What does that look like?

    Victor Cianci: [00:11:22] So we will be on behalf of Citizen Home Solutions. But we do provide education for, to the resident and to the property manager earlier in the process. So we're actually working on ways to get involved as early as application approval rather than lease agreement signed. That would just get kind of some some additional touch points to the resident, make them familiar with who citizen is earlier in the process so that it's not this this cold call cold interaction. But we do provide language. So we'll provide lease language. Welcome email language, things that can be put in the application and MLS listing. We provide all of that, that language to the PM so that they can start to familiarize the resident. What we found on that front is the earlier the resident is educated, the more likely we are for a successful appointment. Getting in touch with them, whether whether it is on through, through the call to set up utility. Utilities in general, or whether it's them reaching back out to us. We're we're familiar now in their eyes. And that definitely helps with kind of converting overall.

    Pete Neubig: [00:12:23] Yeah. Do you know what that do you know what that rate is? That conversion rate?

    Victor Cianci: [00:12:26] So right now across the board this includes all states, all residents, all PM firms all different processes. We're at about 70%. 

    Pete Neubig: [00:12:34] Wow.

    Victor Cianci: [00:12:35] So seven out of every ten residents that come our way we're able to assist with utility setup.

    Pete Neubig: [00:12:40] That's great. That's that's higher than I thought. That's really good. Are there any states that that you guys aren't using that you guys don't support?

    Victor Cianci: [00:12:51] No. So we we actively we're not active in Hawaii or Alaska right now. Um, but in terms of US coverage, we can go we really could assist in those markets. We just don't have a ton of property management partners that are out there. Um, but yeah, in terms of our outreach, because we're able to to kind of use our team's internal resources to get set up with different municipalities, different regions, different markets, really can we have great coverage in terms of of being able to provide pretty much anywhere across the country.

    Pete Neubig: [00:13:24] Now, you mentioned that, um, that you do have some emails that you can share and that you have some lease, um, some lease language and some listing language. Uh, do I have to modify my lease to use Citizen Home solutions, or is it just a kind of. Here's an add on benefit to add into the lease language.

    Victor Cianci: [00:13:43] You you definitely don't have to. And we make it so that that language is, well, it's friendly in general in nature so that it is easy to plug in in different parts of the business. But we tell our property manager partners all the time that you're welcome to adjust the language, change the language. Don't use the language at all. Um, we do encourage it. It is it's part of best practices. When I, when I speak to that conversion rate, we have companies performing much higher than 70%. And it all just comes down to early adoption on the residents end and making sure they're they're informed of the overall process. So best practices say to include the language in a couple of different places, really within the lease. And then within that welcome email our our we found the most success there, but it's not required by any stretch. Okay.

    Pete Neubig: [00:14:27] And obviously we want we want as the property management company we want to have high adoption rate because again, less phone calls come into us. Um, you know, and then less that we have to do because citizen is taking that that heavy lift. So, uh, so let's talk about the commission split since, um, if I get a high conversion rate, how does that commission split work? And give me like an average of five. You know, if I have 300 properties and I'm doing, you know, I don't know, 20 leases a month. What is that? What is that commission split look like? Something like that. Yeah.

    Victor Cianci: [00:15:05] Yep. So there there are a few different things that may determine the exact split, but a good rule of thumb is 20% of the revenue that is generated from paid services. Uh, those paid services, again, being internet security, those are the real two real drivers, cable, satellite, things like that. Um, a good rule of thumb is 20% of the revenue generated from those services are being paid back to the property manager in the form of a revenue share. We do that two different ways. We can do it monthly. We can do it quarterly. Most of our partners prefer the quarterly route. Uh, it's just clean it. Some depending on size of the customer, could vary as well. But, um, a good rule of thumb is about $50 per per resident assisted is what's coming back to the property manager. Uh, so that if you're maybe helps with your 300 door scenario. You can look at it. Every lease that every resident that we assist with is $50 back to you. If you're a 1010 unit property manager or a 10,000 unit property manager, you can kind of do the math that way that when we assist a resident, it's it's about $50 coming back. Uh, taking into account there are some things that vary state to state just with the programs that exist. So internet providers may offer different promotions in different states. I use internet frequently in these examples because that is kind of the number one driver. Um, pretty much everyone moving into a property is getting internet, whether it's with us or whether it's out on their own. So we we do see the kind of the most revenue generated for us and for our property manager partners through those, those internet programs.

    Pete Neubig: [00:16:38] So I know, like, AI is pretty big right now. Um, a lot of you know, having API connections to property management softwares is kind of big. What is on the roadmap for CHS to, is there anything on the roadmap that makes things even easier than it already is?

    Victor Cianci: [00:16:58] Yeah. So I think there's a couple of big things that we're in the process of rolling out. First is our complete digital experience. So we have some some of our partners using that today. And when I say digital experience, it kind of touches on a lot of parts of the business. We have a self-service option that we're going to allow residents to go through and kind of order utilities, order their the additional services on their own rather than scheduling an appointment with us. They'll be able to navigate to to the portal on our end through their property manager links, that the link provided by the PM will allow them to go in and create their account and set up utilities for their address, where that comes into handy, where it comes in handy and is convenient for some of the residents are those those customers that maybe can't meet between 8 and 6 p.m., and they need unique scheduling.

    Pete Neubig: [00:17:44] Or the gen Z-ers that don't want to talk to anybody.

    Victor Cianci: [00:17:47] Or they don't want to talk to anyone, right. So that that offers a lot of optionality there. So that's that's one path forward. We do still feel strongly about the the engagement and interaction with the residents, and it's mainly because we're able to offer that white glove service for them, where we're going and doing all of the essentially all of the lookups, all of the setup with each of the unique providers and that experience, although it is still possible through that, that digital experience, there's more that is put back on the the resident at that point of the move in. Some people prefer that and that's that's completely fine, but we are offering some optionality there. You touched on AI another thing that we're looking at is how we can be more efficient with the utility lookups and the property lookups. What that would do is actually reduce the time that it would take from us to schedule an appointment with the resident. So if we're able to look up all of the utility information earlier, we can get in touch with the resident sooner and essentially assist with the the move in process. Even even quicker. So on our end, and certainly we're calling that kind of a speed delete program, delete being that resident that we're able to assist. So we're finding ways to kind of squeeze out time there and really just move quickly because as you know, sometimes these things are 24-hour, 48-hour turnarounds and making sure we're able to accommodate the resident at all of these different touch points is important to us.

    Pete Neubig: [00:19:12] What are some common mistakes that property managers make? They sign up for CHS, but for whatever reason they're not getting the adoption or they don't get it rolled out. Whatever it is. What are you seeing? Are are maybe 2 or 3 things that really affect the the success of rolling out the CHS program?

    Victor Cianci: [00:19:31] For sure. So the first thing is automating the process. And I spoke to that a little bit about creating some automated reports out of these property management softwares. There are a number of different things that you can set up. There are some PMS though that choose to either take a manual path or maybe there's limitations within their property management management software. In those cases, we see far less adoption or far lower adoption rates, if you will. Given that there is a manual step, we're relying on someone in the process to send things. If Vic is sending out all of the the resident information daily and I'm on vacation or I'm out sick, there's a break in the process, right? And then we get that information delayed. So that's that's first and foremost, automating the process up front is the greatest way to increase adoption for both ourselves, the PM and then the residents in general. The second biggest thing as it relates to kind of conversion through the program is just resident education early and often. So we see a lot of property managers who they want to generate the revenue or they want to assist the the resident at the point of the move in to make sure that they're they're in compliance with the lease, but maybe they're not putting the language into their lease agreement. Maybe they're not putting it into the welcome email, or if they are, maybe it's buried in it's there's just a number of things that are being missed. Um, the other thing is just direct communication to the residents saying, hey, congratulations on the move in. Here's what or what's kind of next. Right. So when we see strong communication early on with the resident between the property manager and the resident, we're seeing greater adoption rates. So failure to launch typically is a result of either a lack of automation or minimal automation through the process and a lack of education to the resident early on. Um, other than that, we're able to to really assist. We feel like once we have the opportunity and that opportunity being the residents information, we can make a strong enough impression to to convert it. Again, that's 70% or higher rate, in many cases.

    Pete Neubig: [00:21:34] We're starting to see a couple of competitors come into the NARPM market. There's been competitors for CHS since its inception that I know of, mainly in real estate and multifamily, but we're starting to see more competitors, you know, really attack or, you know, reach out to the property managers. What is the main differentiator between CHS and these new competitors that are popping up?

    Victor Cianci: [00:22:01] Yeah, I think first and foremost, our people and the relationships that we've built over the years. So, you know, you've been with us since the beginning and we've been here for eight plus years in this space.

    Pete Neubig: [00:22:11] By the way, Vic, I don't know if you know this. I still get checks from CHS. I don't even own a PM firm, but because I introduced you to other PM firms, I'm still getting checks from CHS. So. Yeah.

    Victor Cianci: [00:22:22] That's fun.

    Pete Neubig: [00:22:23] Yeah, it's great, I love it.

    Victor Cianci: [00:22:25] That's fun. So that and that's a great point. We're we're loyal to our customer base in the sense that we do want to reward them for the business that they bring to us. And when I say our people, that's our people that are involved in the property management industry. We have a lot through our leadership team. We have a lot of experience, a lot of friends in the industry at this point in terms of who we've kind of been able to build these relationships with over the years. So that's that's definitely a strength of ours. We we have staying power in this space. We'll be here for a long time. Um, on the the other end of it, when I, when I mentioned our people, it's our ability to relate to the resident offer this kind of white glove experience. I know there's a number of different platforms out there. And when I spoke to that, uh, self-service option, we're seeing more and more of that, again, for convenience reasons. Whatever the reason might be, um, I'm not sure that those methods are going to be as rewarding to the property manager partners, even if there is a revenue share, given that there isn't the ability to guide the resident through all of the options that might exist in their world, in their ecosystem. So that's a that's definitely a strength of ours, is being able to work with the resident and kind of guide them to what makes the most sense based on how they consume products based on how they're they're going to live in the home, live in the space. So those are when I say differentiator being our people. It's our people at at all levels of the organization.

    Pete Neubig: [00:23:51] All right. I'm going to put you on the spot. We didn't talk about this in the green room. Um, you are the vice president of sales for a multi-million dollar company. If I'm a property manager listening to this, what is 1 or 2 tidbits of information that you can give somebody who, you know in sales who's looking to grow their business?

    Victor Cianci: [00:24:14] Mhm. Yeah. Just I guess just nuggets of advice I think first and foremost learn and whatever business you're in whatever craft. I think this was instilled in me. My dad's an electrical contractor and I learned early on I didn't want to be in that business. Him and I are much better at father-son relationship than we are working together. Relationship besides the point. But one one thing he instilled in me is you need to learn the business at all, all stages, right? You need to understand exactly what's happening at the project level. You need to see understand what's happening in the accounting world and in the finance world, and all of these different elements that truly drive the business forward. And he always said, learn it from the shop floor first and work your way up. And I think you can apply that to pretty much any business that's out there, right. So when you look at the when you look at Citizen Home Solutions in general, our business understanding what's happening with our residents success team and what's happening with our client success team and all of these different pieces that make the machine kind of drive forward. I think first and foremost, learning all parts of the business is going to help you understand how you can sell your services, whatever that service is, so that that's the first piece. And then I think the biggest thing that I've learned in a sales seat, because you're going to handle a lot of rejection, but there's there's power in any of that messaging that's coming back, for better or worse. Whether you won the deal or lost the deal, you need to listen at all stages. And I've, I am now at this stage in my career, I've been in this property management and SFR space for 12 plus years at this point. So I have seen a lot of growth, a lot of change within the industry. And for me, it's just been being able to listen to all of these different parties because when you're listening and absorbing, you're understanding what the reasons are that a customer might buy from you or why they chose not to buy from you. Right. So I think that's the biggest thing is, is listening and it's not the sales pitch is one piece of it, but understanding the customer needs and taking kind of a consultative approach to how you can work with that customer, offering a solution to a problem that they've mentioned that they have is is a good way to win more business. And I think that's the biggest thing is just listening. Yeah. Listening.

    Pete Neubig: [00:26:21] I think that's powerful. Understanding why they didn't buy might be more important and why they bought.

    Victor Cianci: [00:26:27] Mhm. Absolutely. You're absolutely right. Yeah.

    Pete Neubig: [00:26:30] All right. Vic we're up against it. We're going to take a quick commercial break and then we're going to put you in a lightning round.

    Victor Cianci: [00:26:38] Okay.

    Pete Neubig: [00:26:38] Let's go. That's the sound effects for you. The lightning round. We'll be right back. Everybody.

    Pete Neubig: [00:26:45] All right. We're back at NARPM radio with Vic Cianci from Citizen Home Solutions. Vic, we're going to put you in a lightning round. Are you ready?

    Victor Cianci: [00:26:54] I am ready, let's go.

    Pete Neubig: [00:26:55] All right. Uh, so first thing is, what is one piece of advice you'd give someone just starting out in business?

    Victor Cianci: [00:27:02] Just starting out in business? Um, don't be afraid to fail. Take risks. Take the risk. Do whatever it is that you want to do. And if it's your passion that's driving you, just take the chance.

    Pete Neubig: [00:27:14] I would caveat that don't quit your day job too soon, though, so take the risk. But do it on weekends and nights.

    Victor Cianci: [00:27:22] That's true.

    Pete Neubig: [00:27:22] All right. Let's say you went out booze in one night. Not that we do. And then the next day you need some. You need fast food to kind of suck up some of that alcohol. What's your go to fast food restaurant?

    Victor Cianci: [00:27:34] Double quarter pounder with cheese, medium coke. Probably Coke Zero at this stage. And a large fry.

    Pete Neubig: [00:27:40] From.

    Victor Cianci: [00:27:42] Mcdonald's.

    Pete Neubig: [00:27:42] Mcdonald's. Man, after my own heart. All right. What was your first job?

    Victor Cianci: [00:27:48] I was a dishwasher at the Brown Derby Roadhouse in Streetsboro, Ohio, where I grew up. So that that was when I learned to get out of the restaurant business. It wasn't for me.

    Pete Neubig: [00:27:58] What is your ideal vacation?

    Victor Cianci: [00:28:01] Beach. I'm a big beach fan, so I'm going to the quiet beach secluded area if possible with with just. I have two kids. I have two young girls and my wife and that's ideal vacation for me.

    Pete Neubig: [00:28:13] Nice. What is something that most people don't know about you?

    Victor Cianci: [00:28:18] I'm a middle. I'm a middle child. But I'm, uh. I'm. I've always felt like the the oldest child because my the two sisters that I have that are older, they're twins are ten years older. So I have this, like, I don't know, I have this desire from from my end to, like, lead my younger siblings. And I think that's ultimately projected onto my, my older sisters as well. But, uh, I guess I. I say that I'm the middle child, but I've always felt like the oldest child because I was the one in the household.

    Pete Neubig: [00:28:49] Uh, I think that is actually the definition of the middle child. No, I'm just kidding.

    Victor Cianci: [00:28:53] It literally might be.

    Pete Neubig: [00:28:55] I have no idea.

    Victor Cianci: [00:28:56] It might be.

    Pete Neubig: [00:28:57] If you could have dinner with anyone alive, who would it be?

    Victor Cianci: [00:29:01] Anyone alive? Who would it be? Goodness. Um. You know, I'm from from, uh, Streetsboro, Ohio, which is near Akron, and I'd have to say LeBron James at this point.

    Pete Neubig: [00:29:13] That makes sense. Yeah. He's you know, he's a billionaire now. I mean, it's amazing what he's been able to do with his career.

    Victor Cianci: [00:29:21] And and I think I really respect the, the I guess the lack of negative things that surround him outside of the sports world, obviously. But there hasn't been a lot of negative publicity. He's brought his family and friends along the way. His obviously just his son was just drafted, so he's doing a lot of right things. And I think there's probably a lot that you can you can learn from someone like that.

    Pete Neubig: [00:29:41] Yeah. Yeah. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

    Victor Cianci: [00:29:46] No.

    Pete Neubig: [00:29:46] Of course not. I mean, you're you're an Italian. If you would have said yes, I would have flew out to Ohio and kicked you in the shin right then and there.

    Victor Cianci: [00:29:54] Definitely not.

    Pete Neubig: [00:29:55] Um, what is one book you're currently reading or one that you've read that's impacted your business or life?

    Victor Cianci: [00:30:00] Shoe dog. I think it is, uh, Phil Knight, founder of Nike, and how Nike kind of got their start. There's a lot of business elements in there, but there's also inspirational things, kind of just speaking in general about how how someone had a passion, an idea, they followed it. And I mean, we all know the story of Nike at this point, but it's an amazing story if you haven't read it.

    Pete Neubig: [00:30:25] All right. Thank you for that. What, uh, what do you prefer, dogs or cats?

    Victor Cianci: [00:30:30] Dogs.

    Pete Neubig: [00:30:30] Dog.

    Victor Cianci: [00:30:31] We're a no pet household right now, though. I have two kids. Two. Two young kids. Under under three at this point. So no pets.

    Pete Neubig: [00:30:37] No pets but dog over cat.

    Victor Cianci: [00:30:39] Dog over cat.

    Pete Neubig: [00:30:40] All right. All right. Vic, you are out of the lightning round. Um, if someone is, uh, is interested in CHS, they want to learn more about CHS or they want to sign up, how do they how do they contact you? Or how do they, how do they get linked in with CHS?

    Victor Cianci: [00:30:57] Yeah. So there's there's ways right through our our website is is one method. You can also contact That's how you can reach me and my team here. And we're happy to assist have conversations, run demos. Uh depending on the the nature of what you're looking for, we're happy to help.

    Pete Neubig: [00:31:13] And the website is still

    Victor Cianci: [00:31:17] Correct.

    Pete Neubig: [00:31:18] Didn't you guys just rebrand recently?

    Victor Cianci: [00:31:20] We did. So we were I guess we're still in the process of going through...the logo's been updated. There's some changes there. The full rebrand is happening is as part of the launch that we spoke about with the digital experience. So more to come on that front. But you will notice some changes here certainly pretty soon.

    Pete Neubig: [00:31:36] But that website will still work?

    Victor Cianci: [00:31:38] Website still works.

    Pete Neubig: [00:31:39] Got it. All right. And uh, so thanks, Vic. And if you want to join NARPM, please go to N-A-R-P-M, and you can sign up there. Or you can give the the good folks over there in NARPM folk a call (800) 782-3452. And um, if you want to be cool like CHS, CHS is a client of VPM Solutions. So we do appreciate that. Vic, if you want to be cool like Vic and CHS and you and you want to learn more about using virtual assistants, please check out or you can email me directly at and I'd love to talk to you more about how virtual team members can change your life, your profit margin, your life, the number of hats you wear. Um, and you know, instead of the the tail wagging the dog, why don't you be the dog and wag the tail? So. All right, Vic, thanks so much for joining us. Thanks, everybody.

    Victor Cianci: [00:32:40] Pete, thank you so much.

    Oct 16, 2024

    The Power of Trust and Tech: Inside Citizen Home Solutions | Victor Cianci

    Vic Cianci is the Vice President of Sales at Citizen Home Solutions. He is an experienced sales leader having spent 12+ years specifically in the residential real estate space. Vic is responsible for driving revenue to the business through new client acquisition and new partnership expansion. Vic is from Cleveland, OH where he lives with his wife Angela and two daughters, Violet & Charlotte.