VPM Onboarding:
    Your Fast Track to Property Management Success

    Get the most out of VPM's powerful applicant tracking system with our step-by-step onboarding guide.  Use the resources provided in each step to help you create your best-in-class onboarding system and ensure contracting with the right person for your company. 


    How to Use the Application Tracking System

    This video tutorial demonstrates how to effectively utilize VPM’s application tracking system, helping you streamline your staffing process from start to finish. Follow along as we showcase each step, from reviewing applications and conducting interviews to finalizing your hiring decisions.





    In this initial stage, candidates you’ve invited haven’t submitted their applications yet. While you can’t review applications, you can view resumes, message candidates, and add them to favorites.

    New Applications



    Here’s where the action starts! Review new applications, assess candidates’ qualifications, and take your next steps. Click on applications to view resumes, video resumes, and add notes for collaboration. Message candidates, move them to the ‘In Review’ stage if they impress you, or decline applications with a personalized message.

    In Review



    This is where you connect with potential candidates. Message them, request additional information like personality profiles or video introductions, and leverage available hiring resources. While VPM doesn’t currently support document uploads, you can share your email address in messages for temporary exchange.

    Interview Scheduled



    Interviews are typically conducted through Zoom (integration coming soon!). Use the calendar invite feature (also coming soon!) to schedule interviews or directly message candidates with details. Access our interview question library for inspiration and guidance. Once interviews are complete, move candidates to ‘Interview Completed’ for your final decision.

    Interview Completed



    It’s decision time! Discuss with your team and choose the best candidate. Remember to negotiate and confirm the hourly rate before offering the position. Once accepted, update the rate on your side and wait for the candidate to confirm. You can also run background checks through our partner Higher <Link> (optional). Once everything is finalized, move the candidate to ‘Accepted’ to officially welcome them to your team!

    Accepted & Declined


    Move the deal card to the Accepted Stage and you will be guided through the onboarding steps.  Verify hourly rate, select a start date and accept the application.  Congratulations!  Your new team member can now enter time through the VPM Platform.  Set them up like you would any other team member including software, phone, email groups, etc.


    Move the deal card to the Declined Stage.  VPM will auto send an email to the applicant thanking the applicant for their interest and informing them you have went in a different direction. No need to message the applicant.  Remember you can still favorite and add notes to these resume cards for future reference.

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