Group 9977


    A Podcast | Coty Thurman

    Pete Neubig: [00:00:05] All right everybody welcome back. And we have Coty Thurman with us. So Coty thank you so much for being here.


    Coty Thurman: [00:00:11] Thanks so much for having me.


    Pete Neubig: [00:00:13] All right. So Living Room Realty tell us a little bit about Living Room Realty.


    Coty Thurman: [00:00:19] Living Room Realty is kind of a local boutique real estate company here in the city of Portland. We are right in the heart of Portland, Oregon, and we started back in 2008. The entrepreneur Janelle Isaacson started this beautiful company. Right in the heart of the recession, which is a feat all in its own. By 2012, we had enough real estate agents with enough investor clients that they were just everyone was looking for a good property manager and they couldn't find one.


    Pete Neubig: [00:00:53] And oh man, listen to my listeners out there in Portland, Oregon. No no no no, no shade thrown there. No shade.


    Coty Thurman: [00:01:01] Sorry, guys. Um, but, you know, or they're just busy, you know, the good ones are busy. That's the other piece of it. And so clients were hungry for some great property management that kind of fell in line with the core values of who living room was. You know, living room is a company that reflects our community, said we're hyper local and and well, let.


    Pete Neubig: [00:01:25] Me ask you this. Let me ask you this. So you mentioned that your boutique now, um, why why did you guys stay boutique and not go with like a century 21 or some type of franchise?


    Coty Thurman: [00:01:42] The model is really hard to duplicate. It is. It's such a special. It's because it's so hyper local. If you look at the the way living room even shows up online in our in our social media, who we are is so clearly part of Portland. Um, that there wasn't any other place for us to really fit. And some of these national models of of real estate companies and property management companies, they just didn't allow us to have the flexibility to kind of be our whole selves. And so even now, at a 100, and ten, 120 agents, we still kind of feel like that boutique company. So.


    Pete Neubig: [00:02:28] So because I know if you go with like the century 21 of the world, supposedly you get, you know, you get all this training and you get all of these leads. So by being boutique, you have to develop your own training for your agents. Is that correct?


    Coty Thurman: [00:02:43] Oh, yeah, 100%. We are developing our own training. We're creating our own marketing. You know, our kind of the entrepreneur. That is her sweet spot. That is who she is at her core is kind of if you walk into a living room office, it looks, feels and smells a certain way. And that is a direct representation of just what she sees in her vision and she's just really good at.


    Pete Neubig: [00:03:08] So if I was listening to this, right, like because most property management firms, they have like the real estate, believe it or not, it's the afterthought, right. And in real estate firms, the property manager becomes the afterthought. And so if I'm listening to this and I'm like, man, I really am thinking about building a real estate department because I have, you know, 300, 200, 400 homes under management and people are asking me to do sales and buys and all that good stuff. What would be the first like? What's why would I want to stay boutique? Like, what's a differentiator other than keeping your identity, which is a big one? Is there anything else you could think of that's a big differentiator on why I would stay? Um, you know, with my own branding versus going out with a, with a, with a franchise.


    Coty Thurman: [00:03:52] You know, I think it attracts a certain type of agent as well. And I think, you know, I am a I'm a huge fan of determining who my core client is and digging into that until I can, you know, I can map them out. I know where they're looking, where they're shopping and all of those things. And. I just feel like when I'm serving my core client and when you're serving over 100 agents, you want to make sure that you're serving the type of people who really want to show up for who, for the kind of company that you are.


    Pete Neubig: [00:04:27] What are agents typically looking for? Obviously, they're looking for a great culture, right? I'll get that. But what are what are like a 2 or 3 things, like an agent is going to take living room versus Bill and Ted's excellent, you know, real estate brokerage versus century 21.


    Coty Thurman: [00:04:47] You know, I it's been an interesting shift in the last few years. But I think one thing that's when the agents that come to living room, they they still want the community. They want a community of other agents who show up in the same way they do. Because when they come to living room, they're sitting next to all agents who are full time real estate agents. They're not just people who hang their license. They're showing up because they want to sit next to other high producers and people who are at their same level. Um, they want the brick and mortar. You know, not everyone needs that. Living room's got a great community aspect. The spaces that we have are pretty special. That's we're kind of we're plopped into different parts of our city. And so I think that it's important that their branding shows up around the city as well.


    Pete Neubig: [00:05:36] So would you guys are looking at agents. It's almost like when when you're looking at clients as well. Right? So you have a target market that you're looking for and you have a specific agent that you're trying to attract and that you're trying to do business with. Would that be. Yeah. Okay. So like for an agent first thing that that I'm thinking of like when, when I, when I talk to my agent friends because I'm a broker here in Texas, but I don't practice anymore. And so one of the first things is they they feel like the broker should give them leads. And do you feel the same way, like all agents want leads? Is that is that kind of something that you that you see.


    Coty Thurman: [00:06:15] In today's market? Yes. Everyone wants leads. Yes. That's true. Right.


    Pete Neubig: [00:06:19] And the broker is not responsible to give leads, by the way. That's a misnomer. Right. Like oh but brokers do, right. They do advertising and stuff like that right.


    Coty Thurman: [00:06:28] Yeah. I mean if you if your company is doing what it's supposed to do, you're going to have people calling you and wanting to work with your agents because of the way that you show up as a brokerage in the world.


    Pete Neubig: [00:06:38] So and the beautiful thing about having a management company inside your brokerage is it generates tons of leads, right? Because you have and now a lot of them might be lease leads, but most people who lease just, uh, do you happen to know what your average rental rate over there is for your management firm?


    Coty Thurman: [00:06:56] We are just over 2500 a month.


    Pete Neubig: [00:06:58] Okay, so those people at 2500 are most likely going to buy at some point. Yeah.


    Coty Thurman: [00:07:04] Oh 100%. Yeah.


    Pete Neubig: [00:07:05] Right. So so like so if you're a management firm and you are thinking about creating a real estate firm off your, you know, or making a little bit more than what you're doing right now, understand that you have a lot of value. Right? Living room attracts agents because they have a lot of leads, not just from, you know, being intertwined in the community, which evidently you guys do a fantastic job of that. Actually, it was on your website, and I saw that you give back to the community as well, which is another thing that we can let's talk about that here in a second, because I think that's super important that not a lot of us do. And I think it brings you a lot of not just goodwill, but it brings you business. So let's talk about that here in a second. But if you are looking at building a real estate firm, right, how many how many leads have you given up? If you don't have agents, you have you have one house to rent, 15 people. Now, now not everybody's rent is 2500 average rent here in Houston. When I was doing it it was about 1650, which was still those are people who are going to buy houses here in Houston back now. That was also five years ago when like like when I last managed and sold. But. But that's the main thing right? So you have you generate your property management firm generates leads for your real estate. And your real estate generates leads for your property management. Right? Yeah.


    Coty Thurman: [00:08:21] And so what's crazy is I remember a day when, you know, living room property management was was the little sister of Living Room Realty. You know, we were this, that part of the.


    Pete Neubig: [00:08:34] Redheaded stepchild, so to speak.


    Coty Thurman: [00:08:35] Redheaded stepchild, 100%. Um, yeah, I remember those times. And it's been really cool. What's been really cool, especially for my property management team, is as the market has really shifted and we're seeing such a low amount of transactions that are happening nationally. And it's of course, showing up here locally as well. Is that our property, the stability of our property management team has really held up. Our brokerage and given our brokerage some breathing room, financial breathing room that a lot of small boutique brokerages don't have who don't have property management companies. So it's been a really special kind of shift in our property management team is pretty proud to kind of hold that.


    Pete Neubig: [00:09:18] You're seeing. We're recording this in in August. Um, it's probably come out a couple of months, but we're recording this in August, and I can promise you that there are so many realtors that are have either left the business because, you know, the good times have dried up. Right? You have to actually work now to go get leads and to sell. Or they started a property management firm. Yep. Just like you said, the property management firm is it's that steadiness in time of chaos, right? When, when, when there's a shortage of housing or when the prices go up or go down or we're in a recession or interest rates go up, that property management firm is literally recession proof.


    Coty Thurman: [00:09:58] It really feels that way. And it's it's shown up that way. And yeah, it's.


    Pete Neubig: [00:10:04] How do your agents and property managers work work together cohesively, or is there some kind of tension between them at times? This is my client. Make sure you take advantage. You know, take advantage of them. Take, you know, take care of them and all that good stuff. And then, you know, and then the property manager is like, gets a house that the owner doesn't want to, doesn't want to rehab or things of that nature. How does that work? Do you have to like, like get your whistle out and be like the, the, the referee between those fights? Or do you just put them in a mud pit and let them go at it? Like, how does that work?


    Coty Thurman: [00:10:33] You know what, I feel like we need each other. I mean, we're on we're on such different ends of it that we just need each other for all of it. And so it honestly, I don't we don't really feel that tension. But that's because we have such a clear divide.


    Pete Neubig: [00:10:46] Everything is just so beautifully perfect there in Portland. Huh? I mean.


    Coty Thurman: [00:10:50] I don't know, maybe this is just the glory of living room, but I really do. It's the divide of between the two. The, our. I mean, Portland is known as one of the top, like, the most difficult places to be a property manager. I mean, there's a lot there's a lot.


    Pete Neubig: [00:11:06] Of legislation in different towns and municipalities, for sure.


    Coty Thurman: [00:11:10] It's tough. We probably have the least amount of real estate agents who want to go into property management, even in a recession. Good for you, because they are close enough to the changes in our laws that they are scared, like, oh gosh, I don't want to learn any of that. And our property managers are so busy and so intertwined with the laws and such here, that the idea of selling real estate, it feels it's unrealistic. You know, it's there's no way I could do there's no way you could do both. And so I think we've created lanes and we all just kind of stay in our lanes and that that's smart.


    Pete Neubig: [00:11:49] So the property managers don't sell and the realtors don't manage. Yeah. It doesn't muddy the waters. You know, it's funny the whole legislation thing that you bring up, you know, more and more legislation is coming is seeping into all states and even at, you know, at city level and sometimes even at, like, you know, neighborhood level and, you know, a lot of managers, a lot of property management firms are are upset about this or they they get a little crazy because it's going to make our work. It's going to make our job harder, there's no doubt about it. Right? Yeah. Because, you know, when you have to deal with government agencies, it just they don't make things easier for you. Right. But what that's also doing is it's generating more business for us because guess who else doesn't want to deal with it? The self manager. Right. And you know our our friends in Australia, they you know they couldn't believe when they so there's a couple of guys that we know from Australia, they came over and they were teaching them a bunch of stuff that Australians do. And did you know, like I think right now it's roughly the 80 over 20 rule, right? Roughly 80% of all houses are self-managed.


    Pete Neubig: [00:12:55] And I think that's gone up. I think that's gone down in the management has gone up a little bit over the last few years. Let's call it 7030. Well, in Australia it's the other way around, right. It's like 80% of all homes are managed by a third party professional. Right. And the main reason is really due to the legislation. And so the more legislation that seeps in, you hit the nail on the head. Not only are going to be less property managers that want to deal with. Less agents that are going to get into the business. So it's going to become a barrier to entry. Right. But more importantly, the self manager, the guy used to own three, 4 or 5 houses in Portland. He is no longer going to want to manage those homes. Even if he has one home. He's not going to want to manage anymore because everybody feels like they can manage a property. But now when you have to deal with the government, nobody feels like they can. They don't want to deal with the government. I'm going to leave that over to Coty and her team.


    Coty Thurman: [00:13:46] Yeah, I mean, the fines are there. You sit and have a conversation, a conversation with any Portland property manager, and they will scare you out of managing your own home. It's a really easy conversation with a, with a, with a new, you know, one of our accidental landlords who's just moving out of moving out of state. I mean, they're just like, oh, here it is. You know, they just wash their hands of it. Please. You take it and you do that, you get sued.


    Pete Neubig: [00:14:11] Not me. I don't get sued. You get sued. So you talked a little bit about your core values, and you talked a little bit. And a lot of that had to do with with being involved in, in the community. And you said boutique and you say community quite often. So it sounds like that is very big with living room. So tell me a couple of things. One, like, you know, who you partner with or what does that look like? How did you guys build that, that, that, um, you know, just how did you build, you know, the, the giving piece and how does it bring business? I know we're not doing it for business, but but does it does it help?


    Coty Thurman: [00:14:47] Um, you know, I living room decided pretty early on that we wanted to apply for B-corp status. And b-corp status comes with a set of. A philosophies of how you how you run business. You do how to do business for good, how to give back to your community, how to make sure that.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:08] So I've heard of S Corp. C Corp this is B Corp. B Corp.


    Coty Thurman: [00:15:11] B like boy.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:12] Yep okay okay I've never heard of B Corp.


    Coty Thurman: [00:15:16] There's uh. B Corp is a very mean here in Portland. It's a pretty big deal. It's a national mean. It's a national designation that you can that you can apply for. And basically there's a set of criteria on the way that you do business and you get scored for it. And it's all about it's about community. It's about the way it's a lot of the way that you treat your employees as well. Making sure that everyone's making a living wage, making sure people have transportation to and from work. Just little things. Sounds very.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:50] Portland ish.


    Coty Thurman: [00:15:52] I promise it's national. I promise. This is not just Portland. Everyone has an opportunity to do this. But yes, it is not a surprise that they all work from home.


    Pete Neubig: [00:16:01] Then that's pretty easy to to get the transportation thing down.


    Coty Thurman: [00:16:03] Guess it's not a surprise that a Portland based, community based real estate company would be one of the first. You're right, it's not a surprise. So but the B Corp status, it's interesting how many people are like, oh my gosh, you guys are a B Corp. And there's so much networking within the B Corp community on itself that people will seek you out just to work with another company that is, that's dedicated to kind of like I said, doing business for good is their is their motto. So doing.


    Pete Neubig: [00:16:33] Business. Okay. So how so? Yeah. How did you get that into the community. How do you work in the community now.


    Coty Thurman: [00:16:39] So. Actually there's two different parts of this. So the B Corp is like that's how the company functions, right? That's how we do business. And then there's the agents. You know, real estate agents are independent contractors.


    Pete Neubig: [00:16:52] And 99 you got it. Yep.


    Coty Thurman: [00:16:54] Right. So in what the story behind our giving, we have something that's called the living Room fund. And the living room fund was created by agents as a way to combine their giving. And so what they do is every three years we choose three new non-profits, and our agents vote on these nonprofits. They bring a whole bunch, and we go through this whole voting session until we get to the top three. And then we hold those nonprofits for three full years and a portion of every single commission, every single sales commission that comes through living room is given to one of those three non-profits, and they can choose which one of the three they want to participate with. And so we I think we hit over $600,000 in giving. Wow. That's directly that's directly the agents giving a portion of their commission. And so, you know, you times that by over 100 agents, you know, doing $1 billion worth of business. It's a pretty big deal. Right. So. Um, so I think that's one of the things that really allows us to show up. And then on top of the fact that we are we've built in this, this giving program where every quarter these companies are getting a pretty sizable check from living room agents. We actually partner with each one of these companies as well. So we're showing up and we're participating. We're volunteering with them. And we we really it's not just a money thing.


    Pete Neubig: [00:18:25] It's it's it's a partnership.


    Coty Thurman: [00:18:27] Yeah. It's a full relationship. And it's it's really special. I think, you know, one of the try.


    Pete Neubig: [00:18:32] To get your owners and residents involved as well. Or is it just the just the team.


    Coty Thurman: [00:18:36] So, I mean, we talk about it when we bring on owners. Um, it hasn't we haven't dipped into the residents at this point yet. It's actually a really good idea to is to open that up to residents as well. But. It is part of the sales pitch when it comes to, you know, why would you want to do business with living room and knowing that 5% of our profits is going back to the community is a pretty, you know, that's.


    Pete Neubig: [00:19:03] Yeah, that can make the difference between signing or not signing a contract or a sales contract. Yeah, sure. Money's going back into the into the not just to a nonprofit. Right. But going back into the community where the where those nonprofits work for sure. Yeah.


    Coty Thurman: [00:19:19] And it also, you know, it ties in to our pricing and why we don't negotiate our pricing as well. You know, we have a set of price that we're going to we're going to quote you. And and out of that you're giving back, you know, a piece of that is being given back. So I think it's just all important to share.


    Pete Neubig: [00:19:36] Yeah. We we did something similar but not as in-depth or at the level that living room is doing it. We had a program we called B1g1. So buy one, buy one, get one. Sorry about that. And so anybody who had a meaningful meeting with us for property management, we would donate a lunch to to a PTSD foundation. And so that's so and we would give them a card to say that we're going to do this. And every quarter we tally everything up. And we would we'd have them come in and they would talk to our team and our team meeting. And then we'd cut them a check. And we always use it as a good excuse to get on the social medias as well, you know, to show it's no good, no nothing good happens unless it happens on social media, right? Right.


    Coty Thurman: [00:20:23] Well, you know, a lot of the the money parts aren't super. You know, we talk about kind of the accumulative a little bit. But yeah, those volunteer opportunities that's and it's kind of I feel like it's our job to kind of share what these nonprofits are doing. I mean, if we've all bought into them and want to give them such a huge chunk of of of of our income, we've bought into what they are doing and who they are. So why not put them on our platform and share?


    Pete Neubig: [00:20:48] Yeah. And then did you did your team vet these, these nonprofits out to make sure like that majority of the funds that you that they raise goes back to the community and all that good stuff? Chris, you hear these horror stories, right? Like, you know, name names, but you hear horror stories, like for every dollar you give, like $0.95 goes to the company, the corporate, the corporation, and $0.05 to the community. So did you guys do some vetting on that? And.


    Coty Thurman: [00:21:15] Yeah, yeah. So I mean, the way that it works is that each one of the agents kind of brings their vote and they decide who gets put on the ballot. And so. They are a huge part of that. And then and then our team on the back end, the ones that make it through to the next round of voting, actually have to meet the qualifications. And then, you know, and then you do you.


    Pete Neubig: [00:21:35] Change them out each year. Do you change them out each year or three years? Every. Okay. Perfect.


    Coty Thurman: [00:21:40] Every three years. That's a big piece of that's a that's an important part of it. You know, if you give someone, you know, $5,000, that's awesome. That's a really great thing. But if you build in a $15,000 quarterly check that they're going to likely get over the three years, that actually it can change the way that they can structure their business. And that's really what we're there to do instead of, you know, $500 at a time, sponsoring one little table at a time or whatever that is. With all these galas and things, we really want to make a difference in the in the organizations that mean the most to us. And that's the best way for us to do it.


    Pete Neubig: [00:22:19] Do you purposely look at smaller nonprofits versus larger nonprofits because you have more you can have more impact, or do you look necessarily?


    Coty Thurman: [00:22:33] Not necessarily. We were we worked with Oregon Wild for a really long time. And that's that's a pretty good sized organization. Um, I think, you know, as we went into this last round of, of voting, it was a pretty the conversations around getting Bipoc folks into homes and keeping them in homes, and the gentrification of the of our city was a really big topic of conversation. And that became the focus of where we wanted to give money. So I think it's just kind of what's happening at the time, but also but also you commit to those for three full years. Right. And so.


    Coty Thurman: [00:23:13] It doesn't get building.


    Pete Neubig: [00:23:14] Deeper relationships than just.


    Coty Thurman: [00:23:16] Trendy.


    Pete Neubig: [00:23:18] What's that?


    Coty Thurman: [00:23:19] It's not overly trendy as far as who we're picking. You know, it's just not whoever's cool. But this last time, you know, we had some we had a couple of fresh organizations that started up and it was pretty cool to get get in with them and support them from the ground up and see them really grow. But a lot of that comes with staying really close to these companies. Like I said, being part of who they, you know, being part of their organization on a volunteer level as well, because you can really see how that money is being used.


    Pete Neubig: [00:23:47] Yeah. Well, I think you, uh, we're going to hit a commercial break here in a second, but I want to say there's a lot of good points here. Right? So, um, the real estate is separate from the management. So don't have your property manager doing real estate work and vice versa. And they're both great lead generators for, for one another. And then people want to do business with companies that that have that are bigger than than than just the transaction. Right. And so if you if you have a partnership with a nonprofit like you should want to use the word exploit that, but you should market that, right? So that people know that it's not just you doing business with, you know, company, ABC or living room. You're doing business with living room who supports not just anybody, but people who are nonprofits who focus in the community, which is which is a game changer because it really is more than just a transaction at that point. So, uh, all right, I, I'm going to hit a break here, and then we're going to hit the lightning round. Coty, are you ready for the lightning round? Don't be scared. It'll be all right.


    Coty Thurman: [00:24:56] Let's try. We'll see.


    Pete Neubig: [00:24:57] We'll be right back. Everybody all right. Welcome back to the Norman Radio podcast. I got Coty Thurman on the hot seat in the lightning round. Coty, Coty.


    Coty Thurman: [00:25:06] Here we go.


    Pete Neubig: [00:25:08] All right. Now, Coty's a bigwig. She's like a vice president for some, like, big, big company. Even though she says it's a small boutique company. They got like over 100 people. So. So let's see if she knows any of these answers. All right. Coty, what property management software do you guys use?


    Coty Thurman: [00:25:22] Appfolio.


    Pete Neubig: [00:25:24] Nice. Well done. All right. Didn't even know if you're going to have that okay.


    Coty Thurman: [00:25:27] So the lightning round I can handle. Let's do that.


    Pete Neubig: [00:25:28] All right. Here's here's another here's a tough one. What is your current organizational structure for your property management. The vision. Is IT portfolio based, hybrid, departmental.


    Coty Thurman: [00:25:41] You know what? We were heavily portfolio based. We were portfolio based I would say a year ago. And we are kind of we are pulling out of that.


    Pete Neubig: [00:25:50] That sounds about right. At 300 units you're going to you're going to move towards hybrid or or or departmental. Right. Yep. All right. Do you use virtual assistants.


    Coty Thurman: [00:26:01] We do.


    Pete Neubig: [00:26:03] All right. Awesome. Now when you're ready, you give me a call and you use VPN solutions to find your next one. Do you? So here's the one. Do you have salespeople bdms for property management, or is it just your realtors that they go out and find it? So do you actually have salespeople that are out there just for property management?


    Coty Thurman: [00:26:24] So I do have a BDM who is specific to our property management company. She began selling real estate in back in 2020, and I've seen that business kind of slowly start to grow. And she's she actually has done quite a bit of our business for our internal anyone who's unrepresented in our property management company. She's building a great business. So. 


    Pete Neubig: [00:26:50] Nice.What is one piece of advice you'd give someone just starting out in a property management business?


    Coty Thurman: [00:26:58] Mhm. Ooh that's a good one. I. You know, I'm a big fan of knowing the like, knowing the the whole piece of the industry and just and and staying actually, I'm going to change it. Hold on. Here it is. Stay educated.


    Pete Neubig: [00:27:18] Stay educated. Join them. There you go.


    Coty Thurman: [00:27:20] Stay educated. Be a part of your. Be a part of your local organization. Organizations. Be very involved in and and network with the people around you. But definitely just. Just stay in the know. Know what's going on around you.


    Pete Neubig: [00:27:37] Love it. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


    Coty Thurman: [00:27:40] Yes, 100%.


    Pete Neubig: [00:27:44] What was your first job?


    Coty Thurman: [00:27:46] Oh. I worked at Wendy's. I was like, I and I loved it. I was I had a blast. I think I was there for six months before I was pulled into retail, but oh man, I was really good at that. That drive through window, let me tell you. Really.


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:02] All right. You want a super size that. What is something that most people don't know about you, other than that you started off working at Wendy's?


    Coty Thurman: [00:28:12] Oh, why do.People not know about me? You. I, I have an. A very large family. Um, I have eight sisters. Actually, I almost had seven. I almost had seven. But I have a pandemic finds, sister. Uh.


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:33] Really?


    Coty Thurman: [00:28:34] Just found. And so I now have eight sisters. So. 


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:38] Eight sisters. Okay.Wow.


    Coty Thurman: [00:28:40] Not many people know that, actually.


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:42] What book you're currently reading, or what is one that you've read that's impacted your business or life?


    Coty Thurman: [00:28:48] Oh, I was I'm a big fan of the one thing. Gary Keller's book that that was a big deal for me. Um. You are a badass with also super powerful.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:01] Yeah, that's a good book. What was her name that wrote that?


    Coty Thurman: [00:29:04] Jen. Yeah. Want to an s someone an s?


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:08] You're right. Look it up, folks. You're a badass. It's a great one. Okay, we.


    Coty Thurman: [00:29:13] Can All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rogers. That was my other one that recently came out.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:18] What's it called? You Can All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rogers.


    Coty Thurman: [00:29:20] You should all be millionaires. You all. Be millionaires. It is a great it's a great book for everyone. But especially women and especially women of color. It's pretty special.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:30] So what it sounds like right up my alley.


    Coty Thurman: [00:29:32] There you go. Just for you. 


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:33] What Disney character, are you do you most associate with.


    Coty Thurman: [00:29:37] What was that?


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:37] Which Disney character do you most associate with?


    Coty Thurman: [00:29:41] Oh my gosh. So. My husband told me when I was very young. We've been together since we were in high school, so. Mind you, that's a big thing, but that I look like Jiminy Cricket. I think it's just the eyes and I don't know what it is, but I think you need.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:00] To trade him in for a newer model.


    Coty Thurman: [00:30:02] But that's okay. We called him dopey, so it's, you know.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:06] Oh, that's funny.That's funny. Uh, what do you prefer, dogs or cats?


    Coty Thurman: [00:30:13] Um, kids?


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:15] No, not an animal lover, I see that. Okay. 


    Coty Thurman: [00:30:18] We've got a dog. He's just hairy. And it's. He's a lot of work. But I do love him a lot, so I'll say it's. It's dogs.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:26] Dogs by a hair. Get it? Because he's hairy.


    Coty Thurman: [00:30:29] There you go.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:30] All right, well, if somebody wants to reach out to you, um, how can they do so?


    Coty Thurman: [00:30:36] You can find us at Living room There's a staff page on me there. I'm also on LinkedIn. My name is Coty Thurman. C o t. You know, my mom had to be special coat.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:51] Well, she had two names after eight of them.


    Coty Thurman: [00:30:53] Yeah and last name is Thurman. So yeah, absolutely. I'm on Instagram and and LinkedIn. So come find me and say hello.


    Pete Neubig: [00:31:05] Awesome. And if you are listening to this and you are not a member of why not join Northam or call them at (800) 782-3452. If you need virtual assistance, go to We're the only online platform that is built for the property management industry. There's free training. You can search and sort by different property management software and skills, and it's all free. You negotiate directly with your virtual assistant. You pay them through our platform. The virtual assistant pays 10%. So Coty, thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate it. Another great Northam podcast. We'll see everybody, uh, the next time later.

    Oct 26, 2023

    Real Estate Done Differently with Coty Thurman

    In this episode we call "Real Estate Done Differently," join NARPM® Radio host Pete Neubig as he welcomes Coty Thurman, VP at Living Room Realty and Managing Principal Broker at Living Room Property Management in Portland, Oregon. Discover how Living Room Realty is redefining real estate with their unique approach, "Real Estate Done Differently." Explore how they prioritize residents and landlords alike, making property management a breeze. If you're a property manager looking for fresh ideas, this episode is a must-listen!

    Coty Thurman is Vice President and Managing Principal Broker for Living Room Realty in Portland, Oregon.  Living Room Realty has over 100 real estate agents and manages over 300 single-family homes.