How to Keep the Best Property Management Virtual Assistants Long Term

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    Published February 22, 2022

    Updated June 27, 2023

    No matter the type of team members that become some of your best assets — either in person or remotely— a property manager must apply strategies to retain excellent talent. Just like any high-quality team member, property management companies want to make sure their best virtual assistants are satisfied with their work experience and stay long-term! 

    What can property managers do to reduce turnover and avoid losing their best VAs? Let's look at how to keep property management virtual assistants engaged and feeling valued!

    Give Them Some Time Off

    One of the most important things companies can do when hiring a virtual property management assistant is to give them ample time off. While businesses can't offer "paid" time off for independent contractors (like virtual assistants), expecting them to work when your business is closed for holidays can damage relationships.

    Depending on the time-off schedule you've set up for in-house W-2 employees, offering the same time-off schedule to your remote team members can help them have more peace of mind about being part of the team and working for your company. It also gives them a much-needed break after working hard for your business! 

    Be sure that your virtual independent contractors understand that days off are not paid. In many cases, virtual assistants need less vacation time than full-time workers! They might want to work when your team has a day off anyway. So, make sure to work out those schedules with your VAs, give approval for them to work when W-2 employees have a paid holiday, and pay them only for hours worked. 

    Create a Bonus Structure

    Motivating and keeping your best virtual talent is also easier, with some type of bonus structure tied directly into your business's ultimate success and a VA's performance. 

    Three business partners keeping thumbs up, successfully managing remote team members concept.

    Virtual assistant bonuses could be for rewarding flawless work or improved performance in specific areas. Cash bonuses can also be a great way to reward your virtual contractor's hard work and outstanding effort. These types of rewards are easier to promote and encourage virtual contractors when establishing KPIs (key performance indicators) and expectations from the start.

    Companies should remember that virtual assistants are typically looking for ways to make more money, so offering a bonus structure is an excellent way to keep real estate assistants engaged. 

    Offer a Stipend for Additional Equipment

    We've talked about the importance of making sure your VAs have good equipment and reliable internet access. While property managers aren't responsible for providing those things to help a virtual assistant get to work, offering some assistance in those areas to your most reliable remote team members can help you keep the best VAs in the real estate and property management industries. 

    Your virtual assistant bonus may include a stipend if they're required to provide additional equipment other than "standard" equipment they might need to work with your in-house team or complete tasks. VAs should provide their own computer and internet connection. However, providing money toward additional supplies (like a webcam for ZOOM meetings) can help attract and keep top talent at reasonable rates.

    Have Clearly Defined KPIs (and Review Them Consistently)

    As we mentioned, KPIs can be helpful when working to keep your best VAs long-term! Like any other high-quality team member, virtual assistants want to know what's expected of them daily. That includes clear goals about the virtual assistant duties you expect from them, as well as how often you want them to communicate with you about their progress.

    Virtual assistant performance reviews should also include regular check-ins and adjustments to their job description. 

    It's crucial for companies to remember that VAs will only be motivated by KPI reviews if expectations can be clearly defined in advance and their work is performed up to those standards. Remote assistants are typically very good at what they do, so it's up to managers to set clear goals and describe the types of performance reviews they expect to see along the way. 

    Ask for Feedback

    As with many things involving virtual assistants, giving them some input about their job description or tasks can help them feel more engaged and motivated. Even though they are independent contractors, virtual assistants work hard and aren't just numbers on a spreadsheet or someone you chat with on Slack; they're real people that want to be treated like valued members of your team!

    Make sure your valued VAs have opportunities to give feedback about how they think their work could be improved moving forward. The right virtual assistants typically have a lot of experience helping property managers succeed. Leveraging that knowledge is a great way to keep them engaged and motivated long-term.

    Bring Them In for Training or a Holiday Party

    While this can depend on where your VA lives and works in their remote location, an in-person event is an excellent way to help them feel like part of the team! Once a year, consider flying your best virtual assistants in for some type of training, feedback session, or company holiday party. If travel isn't an option, consider inviting them to join a company party virtually.

    Virtual meetings can help remote team members feel like part of the team.

    Bringing a virtual assistant in for some in-person time with your full team can help you encourage your best-performing VAs while also giving them an opportunity to build relationships with the team face-to-face!

    Your Property Management Virtual Assistants Are Part of the Team

    Even though they don't work in your offices or deal with hands-on property management tasks, your virtual assistants are valued members of your team! Offering a few benefits that your in-person employees also enjoy can help retain VAs that have proven to be essential workforce assets for your company. 

    VPM Solutions helps property managers and real estate industry professionals find and manage the best virtual assistants in the business! With a Free Company Profile, you have access to more than 25,000 skilled virtual contractors to fill various roles within your business. It's easy to get set up, find VAs, manage, and pay them through our platform — all without paying any platform fees!

    Learn more about how a virtual assistant can make your business more profitable! Download the free "From Chaos to Clarity: A Virtual Assistant Impact Case Study."